Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cruel Hunt

Its begun. Peter and Arthur have realised the full concern with Rosalie missing. Vampires must always travel in groups. If one of us dies, the body must be burnt, lest our prescence be revealed in an autopsy. Arthur is notorius for have a flame at the ready the instant a vampire passes away. The search for Rosie is no longer a search to get her back, it has become a hunt. Rosalie must be found, in case she dies, and reveals the existence of vampires. I can't stand the thought that the primary concern is not for her well-being. Its as if they don't even care about her.

I also can't stand the thought of Rosie dying. Arthur has been checking out all the butchers he can, asking for a girl buying blood. If she gets caught, rather than returns, Arthur and Peter will permanantly keep a close eye on her. The only way out of this for her is if she finds another group of vampires, considering she is unlikely to return.

What if shes already dead? Or has been caught buying and drinking blood? I can't stand that possibility...


  1. Rosalie is 18 isnt she? in some cases an 18yo girl or guy for that matter do many foolish things but from the little I recall about her, she is pretty smart and knowing females as I do, most dont do foolish things like pounding down a half gallon of ABpositive on the parkbench getting bloodfaced(drunk) and chasing skaterboys around fareway.
    Tho Id have to admit watching that would be cool as hell :D
    Sorry I drifted there a few minutes. Like any missing person the first day is paramount, second day nerve racking and after then, well you see after a certain time frame its a corpse they fear to find. I wish I had better comforting words. I do hope she is found and not it was located. there is too much death these days, regardless it is just a circle. My circle isnt complete and hope neither is hers.
    Do make or keep in contact with other packs?
    Humans tend to stick to groups, either by age,gender or race. Just thought that that would be an obvious route. I wish I was able to be more help. But me going to the city mostly at night and this being a quiet town, I know she isnt here.
    On a personal note, like I said Ive been going to the city this last week and besides the rushes I am getting the energy that is helping so that I rest a little better. Wierd thin is I had someone elses nightmare last night(this morning)

  2. We don't keep in contact with other packs, but we have crossed some before. We used to keep in contact with some but last year all but one of them died in the victorian bushfires. Lily was the survivor.
