Sunday, August 30, 2009

Come Home... Please?

I just sit here... waiting. Whenever the phone or the doorbell rings, I jump at the possibility that its her. I haven't heard from her, I haven't heard of her, I don't even know if shes still alive. Everyone is still distraught. I can't believe it actually happened. Everything seems so much darker... As if all the good has been sucked out of the world. If you happen to check up on this Rosie, please come home? We all love you. We all want you here. Can't you just come home and pretend this never happened? You mean so much to me. I can't feel myself without you here.

Remember that time Lily planned that prank on us with the chicken eggs? And we figured her out and covered her in them... Aren't the memories amazing? I want to have more of those times with you. Forever. Well... forever being about 200 years.
Come home...

1 comment:

  1. It isnt going to be forgotten, I think in time she might remember the good times, anger stays in the memory long and is sharp an painful to everyone. Once wound heals, she will see the fun times, hopefully she will return. Some never do tho.
