Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The soft splashing of water under my feet accompanied the choir of birds in the trees. I could feel the frigid water begin to soak through my shoes as I pushed the dense foliage out of my path. I emerged on the hilltop. A large, cubic stone sat just off-centre of the highest point on the hill. I sat down on it, cross legged and observed. Herds of cattle stood around, almost lifeless as the sun approached its final hour. A small group of wild pigs, black as coal, emerged from the river a few kilometres away and tore at the ground for a late meal. Kangaroos still bounded across the landscape, free as the wind.

This was my most recent home. It was beautiful. I spent 12 years here, on these thousands of acres, learning aspects of the natural world. Many evenings, when my mind was troubled, I would climb the hill, more so a mountain, and watch the sun set, mull things over. The mountainous region, nature in all its beauty, had been tainted by power cabling. Enormous towers, constructed by man. If I turned around I could watch the commoners drive by, or a coal train on its routine trip to the power station.

Now, thousands of acres has turned to 7. I can no longer observe the kangaroos, cattle and pigs. I now lean against my chimney, and observe the rabbits as they emerge at dusk. But it is still beautiful, even after 3 years. One day, I plan to watch the sunset here, on this very rooftop with my beloved. Then, we will pack our bags, and travel out to my old home. We will watch it from the stone on that mountain, and I will recount all the times I walked out here, just to think about factors of my life, what decisions to make.

The only question; will I ever have a beloved? Rosalie and Lily are the only vampires I know that are within my age margin...Though Lily won't qualify as within my age margin for another 5 years or so.

Thus ensues the problem. I'm the only male Vampire within Rosalie's age margin that she has met. I can't believe how stupid I have been. Rosalie's discomfort when driving me to the hospital, it all makes sense. She was jelous of my feelings for Lisa. James filled me in on that this afternoon. Rosalie is my best friend... I don't think we're supposed to be together, I want to be able to be there for her forever, but as a friend. I have a feeling I'll be viewing alot more sunsets before this gets straightened out.


  1. Great blog.Please take a look at the latest entries on my page. Rachel

  2. chase,
    don;t wait on the sunsets, it takes a long time for some to staighten out, you of all should know this. lol

  3. Silly Bob; that's my way of saying it will be many days before this is sorted.
