Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Whinge

How to whinge? I learned from the best. Plastics. The most superficial band of society, and coincidentally the stupidest. They whinge over any detail, from the terrible make up on their putrid faces to the existence of any life form that doesn't spend its life assisting them. What really burned my insides was a typical pair whinging over gaining an insignificant amount of weight, unnoticable on there bodies, already bordering annorexia.

Now don't misinterpret, I don't have anything against those who suffer reasonably from annorexia, but I can't stand the ones that fight to keep there weight at a minimum, refusing to eat just to be able to brag about the bodies to others, and impress the lesser half of the male population. Now it's my turn to whinge. They're problems are clearly insignificant, when compared to my eating disorder. Yes, I call it a disorder because thats what i view it as. I wish i was a normal human. Though I know many would love to live for over 200 years, I'll tell you now, the grass is greener on the other side.
For me, its not a battle to limit my eating for physical appeal, its just that finding a substantial supply of blood is difficult. Thats why some of us hunt humans. Your all easy targets. I think those vampires are sick, it's too similar to canabalism, and ever since I found out I was different from all the other kids, I've hated the prospect of taking a life.

Unfortunatley, I have to live with it. I've experienced moments where my imagination would conjure vivid images of me diving on my school teachers or friends and tearing the flesh at their necks open. The worst part is, I wished I could do it. Suddenly the tribulations of a plastic seem insignificant don't they? Imagine you had to listen to them whinge while inside you there was a voice screaming at you to shut them up at their vocal chords.

Next time you hear an insignificant whinge, or if you ever wish you were one of us, just remember this. And this isn't the half of it. If you read my previous post, you might have noticed I've tasted human blood before. If I were up to disclosing that story, it would turn anyone off vampirism for life.


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