Monday, August 10, 2009

The Truth

Welcome to Chasing Blood. I am Chase

Yes, I am a real vampire. And why make a blog? Because I'm bewildered by societies perception of vampires. To be honest, it was the Twilight series that finally pushed me over the edge. I understand its all a bit of fantasy, all for amusement, but thats not how the world has responded. Vampires have become revered, a new craze. There is nothing to revere about us. We are horrible impressions of the human race, and if it weren't for police, and our hidden identity, we would probably drain the life out of anyone with this point of view.

I want to show you what vampires really are, break common perception, the usual. If you are reading this, I implore you to spread the word of this blog to anyone.

The Truth:
1. Vampires drink blood to survive. Not necessarily humans blood. In my oppinion, blood is blood, although some vampires insist human blood taste better. I've tasted human blood, but I didn't kill her, I'm not a murderer.
2. Vampires aren't contagious. The whole idea is proposterous. If we were, there would be multitudes of us out there. A simple bite can't change someones genetic structure.
3. Vampires are not immortal. Wouldn't that be a blow to science. We do, however, have a much longer life expectancy. At the age of about 25, we tend to decelerate the aging process. The oldest vampire I've ever heard of was supposedly 281 years old. To avoid exposure, we fake disappearances for underage vampires, and live nomadic lifestyles.
4. Vampires can eat human food. It still offers nutrients, but most of it will just pass through our bodies. To survive completely off human food would result in a weak vampire, scrawny, who eats unreasonable amounts of food. I'm part like this. Though my excuse for not gaining weight is the standard "my metabolism is excruciatingly efficient," which humans soak up very easily.
5. Vampires can walk in sunlight. Again, it would be baffling to discern how this could be possible. The whole twilight sparkling would be odd too. We do dislike sunlight, but by no means is it too much to bear; it just burns a little. I don't even know where the idea that sun turns us to ash originated from.
6. Vampires do not possess superhuman strength/speed. We are really very similar to normal humans. In fact, where so much like humans we can supposedly reproduce with them. I'm not sure whether thats true or not, we rarely risk human-vampire relationships, and I've never witnessed a successful mating process between species.
7. Vampires have emotions. Again, our genetic structure corresponds greatly to humans. We can suffer depression, feel guilty, and even suffer mental disorders.
8. Vampires reproduce through sexual relationships. I thought that would be obvious, but who knows. The reason there are so few of us is because a vampire is much less fertile than a human, and we have a 27 month maternity period. Nearly 3 times that of a human. We also reproduce rarely because we risk exposure with every pregnancy.
9. Vampires possess human teeth. There are no fangs for efficiency, we haven't had millions of years to evolve that feature, though it would help. Human teeth, however, can tear flesh all the same.
10. Vampires are not all attractive. That is entirely fictitious. Just like humans, we can be hideous or attractive.
11. Vampires die. Yes. We die just as easily as any other living creature dies.
12. Vampires are smart. We aren't geniouses, we make mistakes, and a small percentage of humans surpass our intelligence, but functioning vampires are generally at the top end of society.
13. Vampires are not to be revered. We do have an urge to kill. We are deemed evil by society. We do not possess romantic qualities any more than a human does. Some of us are dicks, some of us are nice, but most of us are dicks.

If you think I missed anything, comment, I'll add the truth to the list. Though I believe that covers all the possible ones.

If you don't believe me, that is your choice, but I still believe this blog will make for an interesting read. Feel free to follow the life of a vampire to see what chasing blood is really like. You'll soon realise that being a vampire is a burden. Another reason we don't reproduce often. The desire to tear open the throats of innocents is always threatening us, and sometimes it overrides our control. Im only 17, I haven't come across a time where I took a life out of hunger. I try to keep well fed to drown the desire out. Please, for our sake, don't worship us, or try and love us. We don't want that. I know you may be thinking this blog is contradictive, because I have claimed we don't want our existence to be revealed, but honestly, I don't think this blog is going to send cops after us. At worst it will result in vampire hunters. Personally, I don't think they'll catch us. We are very intelligent, and can easily blend into the human world. Its even difficult for us to discern human from vampire, let alone a human do the task.

Welcome to Chasing Blood.
I am Chase.


  1. Very interesting. I think I will follow your blog for a little while to see what you are about...

  2. Yeah, i agree. interesting stuff. Got yourself another victim, I mean, follower...
