Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mistakes Are The True Teachers

A teenager in todays society would use any excuse to take a day off school. I can't say I'm much different. Last night, while happily chatting away on msn, Rosalie on the computer next to me, I learned something about my ex girlfriend. My only ex girlfriend. My human ex girlfriend.

I was thinking of saving this story of my past for some point in the distant future, but alas, I feel the urge to divulge it now.

March 2008, I had been going out with Courtney for 9 months and 7 days, but whose counting? For my first relationship, it sure left a mark. She didn't know what I was, and nor did I intend to reveal it. It was a pupil free day, so I went to her house while her parents were at work.

Leaning gently on each other, watching The Lion King, (as teens do) I placed a small kiss on her neck. Before I knew it, I was laying over her, passionatley kissing her neck. I had always prided myself on my willpower, and believed I would be able to resist temptation. Maybe I should have drained a chicken from my backyard before I left. I suppose you can guess what happened next. Where she was expecting a hickey, she recieved a bite mark, that tore deep into her flesh. I quickly realised what I had done. Her screams still ring through my ears from that moment, as I backed off, thick blood dribbling down my chin. That was the last time we ever had a proper conversation. I ran out the door, and never looked back. She concealed the bite from her parents, not wanting them to know I had come over. On the bright side, my identity was never exposed.

I used to think she had convinced herself it was a fettish of mine, until now. Last night, I was talking to her close friend, Cassie. She said Courtney never gave a straight answer when she was asked about why we broke up. Recently (according to Cassie) she let slip the words "he scares me".
That brought back memories of the day I lost the first girl I ever felt for. I can't even talk to her anymore, out of fear, and she has made clear that she wants nothing to do with me. I wasn't willing to show my face at school after this. Rosalie understands. I should have listened to her when she told me it was a bad idea. If i truly felt for Courtney, I should have let her go. But I learn from my mistakes. I won't feel the loving touch of a human again.


  1. concidering your age Chase in relation to your aging process youre still a child, in some ways youre still taking babysteps learning to walk in this strange grownup world trying to fit in, I can only say what my father told me
    stop playing with your food and eat :)
    emotions suck man, sooner you you stop getting attached to your soup , the better off you can enjoy your own kind.
    which in a way freaks me out, cus im youFn dinner :(
    say lah vee, or however the pansy french people say it :D

  2. Wow. Your stories are amazing, really. I don't really know whether to believe you or not... Your stories are so piercingly heartfelt, yet you could just be an experienced liar. I have been known to be quite gullible in the past...

    I'll reserve judgement till later :)

  3. You strike me as a very serious writer. What age are you? Your story is captivating to say the least, and coming from me, that's saying something. I will follow you :) Feel free to take a look at first of many blogs on my page, and it would be great if you could let me know what you think. Much love, Rachel

  4. 17, it says it in my about me section.
    >lesbian, even if you don't believe my stories, there are still some underlying messages apparent in most of my posts. I'm writing more to teach others then to document my life, so whether or not you believe me boasts no relevance.

  5. Not all humans fear vampires. Keep that in mind when you find yourself desiring another human. She may be more considerate than you think.

  6. But what do you propose I do when they become old and deceased. I'm not one for suicide, so I'll be going for another hundred years without them.

    I may just find a nice vampire one day. I'll keep my hopes up.
