Thursday, August 13, 2009

Something you didn't know about Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great created the third largest empire ever to exist. In a decade he conquered most of the known world, and reportedly, only death stopped him. If you know anything about him, you may realise he was incredibly intelligent and forward thinking for his time.

Rumours were spread that the man he inherited his army from (Philip II of Macedon) was not his real father, and that Alexander was actually the son of Zeus, who slept with Philips wife Olympias. Little was it known that they were more accurate than modern historians realise. Alexander was a vampire. Demosthenes, a politician from Athens was his real father. I can't say for sure whether Olympias was a vampire, as it is often suggested that Alexander was a halfbreed, but Demosthenes was definitly subjected to chasing blood.

Olympias concealed Alexanders vampirism from him, diluting his drinks with blood, until some time in his teens. When Alexander eventually assumed the throne, he eaglerly began conquering the world, so as to mark his name in history. For 10 years he continued, not willing to rest, for he knew that should age much longer, his condition would be evident. When his army refused to go further, they began travelling back home. Demosthenes, stricken with jelousy that his son had been so successful, began to oppose him, and in his 90's (an age rarely reached in those days) committed suicide in a temple to escape the wrath of his son.

It was on his way home that Alexander realised he had pushed his limits. Going into his 30's, and aging incredibly slow, he was forced to fake his death in sickness. He allowed one of his commanders to take his body to Egypt. This allowed his commander to assume power in Egypt, as the body of the previous ruler was required to be present to take position as Pharoah.

Few Egyptians knew the truth. Alexander then modified his appearance, shaving his head, and removing all facial hair. He dissappeared off the map at this point, to live for an unknown number of years.

1 comment:

  1. which could easily explain the nomadic life he lead and carismatic leadership along with the willingness of his army
